Opportunity for bipolar montage
Hi @fraimondo
In order to extract montage from TRC for Shennan program, we need two montages
-Suggested montage: This must be created by the user inside BrainQuick and can't be automated
-Bipolar montage: This one could be automated or at least to get a close aproximation: I saw that in montages.mat they assign for bipolar substraction the channel with the same name and next id for example
So to help the user with this task (that is really annoying in terms of time) we could save an additional montage while writing TRCs of an 'approximated' bipolar montage where for channel
'NAME_i' we search if 'NAME_i+1' is present, if it is we take it as its bipolar pair, otherwise, if it is not present (for example as you can see for RA7 or LA7, because neither RA8 nor LA8 are present) we can write G2 to represent it.
The user will obviously be able to modify if he wants inside BrainQuick, but this has two beneficts:
-Saves time to the user
-Allows running ez-detect code without deppending on BrainQuick to make the bipolar montage.
Let me know if you think this is not helpful or if I can help you to do it.