Our Brain Quick version lacks HFO tab
Why we need this:
In order to replicate how Shennan team used to generate the event files we would need to follow the instructions below:
Import to BQ a TRC out of the formed ones in blocks, that are in TJU shared directory, these have 32 channels and 10 minutes of duration. We can check that looking into the 'Trace properties' top left button within BQ visualizer.
Manually from BQ, add a Spike, a Ripple, and a FastRipple. This generates the header with these 3 types and these 3 fake events.
With a text editor they opened this event file and replaced the 3 fake events by their real events detected in the .txt files corresponding to this TRC block.
Replicating them would give us graphic feedback about the expected HFOs for several datasets.
Issue to solve:
Trying to follow the instructions I did not find how to add an HFO to the eeg within BQ, I looked in the manual and in our BrainQuick version we lack the HFO tab that is seen in the following picture of manual.
The options that we have visible are these one below.
If you Right click on the eeg an option to add an HFO shows up, but clicking on it does not do anything, I think.